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Addrss:Zhuhai City,Guangdong Province,China
Zip code:519000
Position: HOME>Certificate
The reason why Solary choose to get TüV certificate

Based on there are many companies which deal with product certificate in the market with different standards, meanwhile,after get the money they let suppliers easily get the certificate due to the commercial interests . Therefore, Solary team choose to apply for certificate from Germany company (TüV) which has strict procudure in order to make Solary to become the top international vendors in professional field

Germany industries standard is well known as its high standards and strict demands. Special importance is the certificate issued by Germany has international authority. In view of this, Solary decided to adopt authentication to improve customer satisfied degree and gain a competitive advantages. From the design to purchasing , make production procedure, quality checking, after service until research efficiency…… Solary shows precious behaviour for each procedure. We are confident that as a world-class provider is not only stay in a slogan, but have to pay long-lasting endurance and sustained implementation of continuous improvement. This is our most loyal to choose Germany company to certificate of the mind.

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